Prince Playlist

When Prince left us three months ago, it hit me hard. We’ve lost so many greats in recent years, but this was different, and I don’t know why.

But I decided to channel my grief into something productive. Through this blog I’ve been “practicing in public” for almost a year now. There is an infinite universe of material to play, so why not focus my energy into something positive and cathartic?

So I’ve spent the past three months scouring Prince’s catalogs for saxophone solos to transcribe and learn. To be sure, I found some (more than I expected), but it was also an incredible journey of discovery for me.

I thought I knew Prince and his music, but I was wrong. There is so much more depth and breadth to discover. I’m glad I made the journey, but I wish I hadn’t waited until he was gone to do it.

Although I haven’t (and could never) exhaust Prince’s catalog of material, I feel as though the time has come to move on (for now). My goal moving forward is to celebrate and cherish the legends that are still with us.

But for now, enjoy the solos that I’ve spent the past three months with. Hopefully they are as fulfilling to you as they were for me to discover, transcribe, and learn.

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