Here’s one that I’ve had on my to-do list forever. It’s a slow ballad, which always makes for the toughest transcription jobs. The fast passages get in to really minute subdivisions to fit everything in, which makes it difficult to notate, and to play. As a bonus, it’s in 6/8!
I love Maceo’s delivery on this one though, his tone is so beautiful. The melody is sparse and haunting, but the track builds and builds. When Maceo finally lets loose in a flurry of notes, it’s well-deserved.
Rather than trying to read all of the subdivisions, I suggest just listening to it a bunch and trying to internalize the timings. I limited myself to one take on the melody and one take on the solo, but I wish I had a few more to listen and play through.
A few notes on the transcription – during playback I realized I left out one bar where he’s holding the low C. Just keep holding! Also I forgot to add the chords, although it just alternates between the one and four, so it’s not super complex.
- Artist: Maceo Parker
- Album: Life on Planet Groove
- Track: Children’s World
- Instrument: Alto Sax